The Water’s Edge community’s home owner’s association is called the Water’s Edge Owners Association, WEOA. The WEOA and its covenants and bylaws are tied to the title of our properties. The duty of the WEOA is to maintain the common properties that are owned by the WEOA and to approve design review applications to ensure adherence to the community standards as per our design review guidelines.

Each year, all home owners are required to submit their annual home owner’s association dues by January 1st. The dues for 2024 will be $255 and will be due by January 1st, 2024. Interest does accrue on dues submitted late and and legal fees incurred by the WEOA associated with collected outstanding dues are the responsibility of the homeowner.
Each winter there is a annual general meeting for all homeowners to attend. At this meeting the current board of directors will recap the accomplishments from the previous year, present the previous year’s budget vs spending, and propose a new budget for the year going forward. There is also biyearly voting for board of directors positions. Current positions include President, Secretary, Treasurer, Communications Director, Land Management Director, Lake Management Director, and Social Committee Director.

The board is run by volunteers and also requires non board member volunteers to be able to accomplish our function and maintain our community. We ask that residents commit to volunteering to contribute to the community in subcommittees, at events, to facilitate projects or maintenance or in any way they can. We also offer opportunities for high school students to gain volunteer hours.

There are 4 properties that the homeowner’s association is tasked with maintaining:
– a small parcel of land at the entrance to the community at the north east side of Water’s Edge (sign location)
– an approximately .67 hectare lot of grass and trees at the corner of Parkway and Sale Barn (commonly referred to as the back lot)
– a .2 hectare lot located at 7309 Blue Water where the beach volleyball court and access to the beach and dock are (commonly refer to as the beach lot)
– 2.2 hectares that include the lake, shoreline, and a few feet of land surrounding the lake.
Please see the image below with the lots outlined in red.

Our largest common property is the lake. This property is much larger than the others, and is not simply a parcel of land to maintain with basic landscaping, requiring more consideration and at times more effort to maintain. Although lakeside owners paid a premium to back on to the lake, it is important everyone remember the lake is owned equally by all residents and is there for all to enjoy. We maintain the common property at 7309 Blue Water so that non lakeside residents have access to their lake. In doing so, we keep property values for non lakeside residents elevated, as having access to the lake is a selling feature for home buyers (regardless of your own personal interest in using it).

Individual property improvements are encouraged and are subject to the WEOA design review approval process. Some examples of projects that require a design review application are decks, sheds, swimming pools and associated fencing, hot tubs, saunas, gazebos, landscaping or other property improvements. To maintain the esthetic of green open spaces, it is important to note that in the Water’s Edge community, no fences or hedge may delineate property lines. Any sheds, fences around pools, or other structures erected on the property must also be screened from view with vegetation.
Click here for a copy of the Design Review Application.
Click here for a copy of the WEOA Welcome Package which includes the Design Review Guidelines, WEOA bylaws and Deed Restrictions and Covenants.
If you are looking to purchase a home in the Water’s Edge community you must request a status certificate to ensure the home you are buying is in compliance with the WEOA bylaws.
To request a Status Certificate please contact